The Missing Link…Your Relationship with Food

Self-Love is what you really need

“Change Comes from Self Love, Not Self Loathing.”  –Lauren Fleshman I love this quote and I must say that during my 18 years working as a fitness, health and lifestyle coach, every time a client of mine has made meaningful change it has always been because they have made the shift out of self loathing and to a place of self love.  This is authentic health, authentic motivation, and authentic adherence to any program. When you do something because you love yourself and want to do good things to take care of yourself it becomes far more simple and a guaranteed success. Today I want to talk about a foundation  piece in nutrition and eating well….your relationship with food.  The reason I developed my mindful eating program, Just Eat, is because I found that I could not help my clients eat more nutritiously until they addressed their relationship with food. Continue Reading →

Meaningful Change is a Process

Change Next Exit

This week I want to talk to you about change and what gets in the way. In my work I help people in making changes every day, and in my life I am always changing and growing. One thing I know about my change, and the change my clients go through, is that meaningful change takes time and there will be times where you are uncomfortable. Typically when people start to feel the uncomfortable feelings of change they back down and go back to their old ways. This is because they are bumping up against what gets in their way and it feels uncomfortable. And believe it or not, the discomfort of the old ways that they are trying to change suddenly feel more comfortable than the unfamiliar, unknown of the change. What I remind my clients, and myself when I am in the process of change, is to relax Continue Reading →

Love your Heart with Olive Oil…

Yummo-o Olive Oil

Happy Heart Month! For those of you who know me, I used to grow and produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil during my ranch life about 10 years ago.  We made the most delicious early harvest Tuscan style extra virgin olive oil.  It was grassy, pungent and fresh. This is when I fell in love with Olive Oil and learned so much about it. Olive oil is one of my favorite foods.  I love everything about it, and best of all it is a powerful nutrient source and essential for a healthy heart! Olives are like grapes, there are over 100 varietals and the type of oil produced depends on varietal, region, climate, season, farming, harvest time etc. etc.  There a different olive oils from all over the world, just like wine and they are not all created equally. Just like all food, the fresher the better so a local, fresh Continue Reading →