What really is a Healthy Lifestyle???


What really is a healthy lifestyle? Often we think of eating nutritious foods and exercising when we think of having a healthy lifestyle.  Both of these components of healthy living are very important but I think we all too often lose sight of the bigger picture. Having a healthy lifestyle is just that, living in a way that supports our health, and our health is dependent on so much more than just food and movement. I have always believed that the single most powerful thing we can do to be healthy is to have a positive attitude.  I believe that our body responds instantly to our thoughts, releasing health enhancing chemicals when we are happy, fulfilled, peaceful and calm.  When we are stressed, unhappy, dissatisfied or negative our bodies release chemicals that, over time negatively affect our bodies balance, harmony, vitality and well-being and eventually can cause disease. This is Continue Reading →

Attune for Success…Part II

Listen to Your Body

Hello again and welcome to Part II of Attune for Success.  I want to share with you today some tips on how to tune into what your body is telling you and how to learn your bodies unique language. After I wrote last weeks blog, Attune for Success Part I, I thought to myself that there may be some of you out there thinking that if you listen to your body, it would tell you that it is tired all the time or that it wants to sit on the couch and watch TV or just give into its hedonistic desires. Listening to your body is a combination of listening to what it is saying and translating that into what it is really trying to tell you.  It’s important to not take each bit of information at face value but to look at the information, get quiet, check in with Continue Reading →

Attune for Success…all the answers are inside. Part I

Stop and Smell the Roses

This is an actual picture of the sign that is at the end of my running loop behind my home in Templeton.  I have walked and run this loop many times. Mostly with my sweet boy Moukie. Each day that I workout I ask myself what feels right? Do I want to go for a walk, a run, hike, Tabata intervals, yoga/stretch or maybe its a rest day?? I have become pretty good at tuning into what I need that day to best support what my body needs, but it has taken time to learn how to listen. So what does this sign have to do with all of this? Well, as I finish my loop, the road starts to make a slight increase in grade.  It’s like the final push in the workout, not much of a hill, but just enough to make you want to stop on a Continue Reading →